Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Important Class Info

I'm making some changes to my classes. I'm going to start having my classes as 6-week sessions. So, participants will need to register for the night/day that works best for them and will essentially committ to a 6-week session of 1 class per week. All classes will do the same routine for 6 weeks. Not only will this will help me to plan better for the classes, it will also help students to be more successful. The first class is where we break down each section so that everyone can learn the moves & and how to do them safely & effectively. Then we slowly add on and build the routine over the course of 6 weeks. I feel this will help us all to exercise more effectively, as it will help gain confidence & comraderie. It will also ensure that students are learning the proper form & technique so we can reduce the possibility of injury.
If you sign up for a session, it will still be in the form of a punch card which includes 6 classes for $20. So, if you do have to miss a class during the 6 weeks, you will not lose the money for that class. You can apply it towards another session...or attend a class on another day/night during that same session. Hope that makes sense!  :)

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